Dating and Pre-Commitment Coaching
Pre-marital Counseling
Couples & Relational Coaching
Marriage & Family Therapy
(Terapia en inglés, portugués y español)

Welcome to Couples-RX, a special program of Rock Springs Positive Coaching, Caring & Counseling...........................404-721-7409
About Us >
We welcome you to our practice where we offer a positive and affirming approach to working through questions and problems about life, work, and relationships.
While we are a very solution-focused team, we also understand that deeper and more satisfying changes may take some time and patience. In fact, some individuals who come to us for help with a particular challenge elect to engage us to discuss other aspects of their lives, careers, or relationships. (We usually accomplish dealing with the initial question or concern in 12-15 sessions.) If our solution-focused, affirming, and appreciative approach sounds like it may be helpful for you or your family and friends, please call or email us today.
P.S. Any couple recceiving couples consultations (marriage and family therapy, coaching, or pre-marital counseling receives a certificate for a free one year follow-up consultation.
The Prepare-Enrich Program at Rock Springs
We'd like to share with you what we can offer and how we help.
Call or email us today: